Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization

30 August 2019


Making modifications on your web pages can be tedious. What if your conversion rate decreases and it just ends up damaging your business revenue? There are several risks involved in every business and Digital Marketing Boy suggests you always explore new areas if you want to increase the conversion rate of your business. Following are the best practices to optimize the conversion rate and improve sales of your website:

A. Call-to-action (CTA) button: Using a contrasting color for your CTA button can assist you to convert better and thus you should use the same. Opt for a CTA color that stands out well and draws the necessary attention of website users.

B. Form Fields Reduction: Do not include form fields that are not required at all. Adding extra form fields will never solve your problems and customers can take time to fill in the details. Do you really need information such as ZIP code, name of the company, CVV code in a lead generation form? Reduction in the number of form fields can help you to increase your conversion rate.

C. Video Addition: Improve the conversion rates of your website by using the videos in several ways. If you are offering something complicated then make an instructional video. Be sure that you use a three minutes video and this will help you to improve your conversion rate.

D. Phone Number Appearance: Add your phone number on the header of each web page so that it is easily visible to your website visitors. People can easily contact your business if they have any problems during their purchase process.

E. Add Testimonials: Display real testimonials on the website by having full names and photos of your customers if possible. Testimonials should describe uniqueness about your business and the benefits that you offer.

F. Add Security Seals: It is expensive to buy security seals but you can assure customers that their card details are secured. Various security seals are Trust Guard, Site Lock, McAfee Secure, Trustwave, Qualys and Norton.

G. LIVE Chat: This feature on your website can have a higher average order value as compared to your competitors. LIVE Chat support is mainly used for upselling.

H. Display Award Badges: You should display Award Badges in the header of your homepage and this will assist customers to know about your achievements.

I. Removal of Image Sliders: Digital Marketing Boy would like you to remove the image sliders that are automatic because they can decrease your conversion rate. Image carousels create banner blindness and thus users cannot explore the web pages at their own pace.

J. Headline should be Clear: Optimize the headline on a landing page and increase your conversion rate.

K. Text of your Call-to-action Button: Use the engaging text on your CTA button to inform visitors about the next step after clicking that button. Expect improved conversions by mentioning the benefit in the button text.

L. Price Match Guarantee: Make a table to compare your prices with your competitors and assure your customers that you can give them the best price in the market.

Make sure that your web page does not have many call-to-actions. There will be a reduction in the number of conversions if you provide too many choices for the people. All the above practices can result in improving website sales, fewer distractions, anxiety reductions and an increase in urgency.

Digital Marketing Boy