Looking to Become an SEO Expert

Looking to Become an SEO Expert?

08 March 2020


An SEO expert improves search results by analyzing the trends and best practices in an online market. SEO process helps you to increase your website traffic and improve the user experience. Always keep yourself updated with SEO because search engines, however, are always changing. Following are the steps to become an SEO expert:

A. Study about Search Engines: An index contains billions of web pages that have been discovered by the search engine. Spiders or bots are used by search engines to crawl the web pages. The relevant key signals of each URL are Keywords in the content of a web page, User engagement of the page and Freshness of the page. Several factors are considered by Google algorithm to rank your web pages on search engine results pages (SERPs). We do know some of the factors that can be applied in an SEO strategy. Search engine optimization (SEO) does not affect paid search Ads. Read the blog 'What is SEO?' for more information.

B. Understanding of SEO Elements: An SEO expert needs to know how the following four elements fit together. Let's understand the elements in detail:

SEO Keyword Research: This element helps you to find relevant keywords that users are typing into search engines. You should consider keywords that have traffic potential and low competition in the market. Learn SEO Keyword Research.

On-Page SEO: Optimization of web pages to improve search engine rankings is termed as On Page SEO. The checklist includes User Search Behavior, Page Load Time, URL Structure, Keywords Placement, Schema Markup, Content Optimization, Image File Names and Connecting Words. Read the 'On-Page SEO' blog for details.

Technical Optimization: An important step for an efficient crawling and indexing of your web pages. The key areas are Indexing, Crawlability, Implement Schema Markup, Mobile-First Indexing, Website Speed, Website Structure and Navigation. Study blog 'Technical SEO for Experts' for more information.

Off Page SEO: The process of building backlinks to your website is termed as 'Off-Page SEO'. Link building helps you to improve your search engine rankings and boost organic traffic. Read the blog 'Link Building Guide for SEO' to know the importance of backlinks.

C. Important SEO Terms to Know: Following are the SEO terms to help marketers communicate with the technical team:

301 Redirect: Applying 301 Redirect makes the users redirect from one web page to another page. This also informs search engines that the page they are trying to access has changed its address permanently.

Meta Description: 160 characters description is displayed on search engine results pages (SERPs) below the Title Tag of a web page.

Nofollow: A value assigned to the rel attribute of an HTML can be used when you link your web pages to external pages. Nofollow does not allow a link to pass SEO credit.

Read the blog 'A Glossary of SEO Terms' to discover the list of terms that are related to the world of search engine optimization (SEO).

D. Always keep Learning: Every year, several algorithm updates are reported by Google search engine. Thus, you should always upgrade yourself: Read search engine optimization (SEO) blogs, join Social Media groups, watch Videos, make connections on LinkedIn and listen to Podcasts.

E. Be Patient: It is not an overnight process to become an SEO expert. Your web pages will organically rank if you research your keywords properly, create good content and apply optimization (On Page and Off Page) techniques. Do not give up and be patient.

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