The Complete SEO Checklist

The Complete SEO Checklist

20 April 2019


SEO is a long term commitment and SEO experts wait to see the outcome of their constant efforts. There are no shortcuts in white hat SEO and maintaining the rankings high for the keywords is an ongoing battle. Keep your website clean by following the complete SEO checklist:

A. No Duplicate Content: Prevent having duplicate content on your website otherwise you will get penalized by Google. Check duplicate content using various tools such as Dupli Checker and Copyscape. You can also use Canonical Tags to inform Google about duplicate web pages.

B. Keywords Tracking: Firstly you need to make a list of keywords you wish to rank for. Then you have to analyze the performance of your website concerning keywords rankings. There is no need to conduct this analysis manually because several tools can help you with that. You should use Google Search Console to monitor each targeted keyword.

C. Set of Keywords: SEO specialists should always consider a set of keywords for each web page. Google Keyword Planner is a powerful tool to search keywords and get average monthly searches of each keyword.

D. Title Tags: Be sure that your website does not have duplicate Title Tags. Optimize title tags of web pages to provide relevant information to users accessing the search engines. The Title tag of any web page should not exceed 60 characters and it should include the core keyword.

E. Meta Description: This is an On Page SEO element and needs to have it for each web page. The Meta description should be welcoming, unique and should not exceed 160 characters.

F. Content Optimization: Your targeted keywords should be included in the content of a web page and avoid keywords stuffing. You will be able to achieve a better ranking position in SERP if you optimize the content properly.

G. URL Structure: Must be simple and friendly to improve your rankings in Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Keep the URL as short as possible.

H. Image Optimization: Add at least one image in your web page content and always include the ALT description (simply use ALT tag) in your image.

I. Blog Writing: This helps you to bring in more traffic and generate leads. Write fresh content regularly and be competitive in the search engine market. Register on WordPress or Blogger and create your blog at free of cost.

J. Natural Backlinks: Use the powerful SEO tool 'Google Search Console' to monitor the natural backlinks of your website. Disavow the links that can cause you problems in your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.

K. Mobile Responsiveness: A website is said to be mobile responsive if it includes an adaptable screen resolution, flexible media, liquid layout and smaller sized graphics. There are several tools to create a mobile compatible website but AMP is the simpler way to do the same.

L. Page Load Time: Your visitors may never come back if the load speed time of your web pages is on the higher side. Several factors that can result in high load times are analytics codes, server problems, poor coding and more. We suggest you use the 'PageSpeed Insights' tool to optimize your website for a fast load speed time.

M. Website Indexing: The indexing status can be easily analyzed using Google Search Console. Click URL Inspection, enter the URL you would like Google to crawl and finally click on Request Indexing. You can simply fix the ones that are not indexed in Google.

N. Goals Set Up: It is important for you to know where you stand and thus setting up goals in Google Analytics is crucial for a digital marketing campaign. In general, SEO expert set up goals for page views, destination page and duration.

O. Local SEO: Gain more visibility and reviews with Local SEO. Use Google My Business and carefully add Name, Address and Phone Number of your business. It is quite easy to claim your business on Google My Business.

P. Website Audit: This is a very important activity for your site to compete in the search engine market. Digital Marketing Boy suggests you use SEO Site Checkup for a website audit before and after implementing SEO strategies.

Q. Disavow Harmful Links: Use the Disavow tool if you have discovered backlinks that do not comply with Google guidelines. This tool helps to inform Google of not considering the harmful links.

R. 301 Redirects: You can avoid losing link juice by implementing 301 redirections for web pages with a 404 error message. Implementation can be done via code or htaccess file.

There are several SEO checks but you must focus on the above ones. This will help you to evaluate your work, avoid bad implementation techniques and get rid of broken links. Your website can achieve some results if you follow the above SEO checklist.

Digital Marketing Boy